
Cyprus SPA and Massage Pool

Japanese, Chinese, Greek and Roman civilizations in the hot water, relieve fatigue, wounds heal faster and the energy used to overcome the loss. With water treatment, physically and mentally to accept the existence of the relationship of the first civilization of the Ancient Greeks, the source of water recovery and regeneration centers set up around the water. Romalılarsa bathroom turned into a lifestyle that developing a culture than treatment.

SPA Massage Pool Properties
Penetrates into the inner section of each nozzle massage. Air and water separating ability to do massage.
The expulsion of toxins from the body by stimulating blood circulation, stimulate the nerve endings in some pain, grief and
Metabolism and the nervous system, some of the discomfort,
Diseases caused by excess weight,
Lack of sleep problems,
In the fight against stress, circulatory system disorders, digestive disorders, Muscle, plays a supporting role in the treatment of bone and joint pain.

Spa's definition, is the care with healing waters.

The original name of "Salus Per Aqua" (SPA), the "Health from Sudan," the name given to water therapies that have been applied since the Romans. Healing with water, the water coming from the use of health care, water, heat, cold, and in different ways (pouring, dripping, showering, spraying) acquired gained in implementing complementary therapy used to refer to feelings of relaxation and relief.

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